The Competition Committee and Club Management have carried a review of the Board Competition entry requirements and revised the qualification criteria.  Effective from 1st  January  2019 to be eligible to win a prize in a Board Competition a member will have had to have submitted 6 (six) qualifying cards in the 12 months prior to the date of the competition.  The qualification period will be a "˜rolling' 12 months.  The agreed committee wording is;

"Competition Entry Qualification Criteria"

Entry to Honour Board Competitions is completed online using the club's intelligent golf system (IGS).  Entry to Monthly and Mid Week medals and stableford competitions are made at the front reception desk in the clubhouse - known as casual entry.

New members joining without an EGU recognised handicap are not eligible to win individual honour board competitions during their first year of membership. New members joining with an England Golf CDH number must complete three competition cards in monthly or mid week medal and/or  stableford competitions before being eligible.  The individual honour board competitions are the Spring Cup, the Kitau Cup, the Easter Salver, the Malling Crown, the Widdecombe Trophy, the Resolution Putter, the Social Bowl, the Angora Cup, the Addington Cup, the Hamilton cup and the Club Championship.

Entry to the above named competitions is dependent upon members completing at least six competition cards during the 12 month period running up to the board competition date. Should a member feel extenuating circumstances exist that they would like the competition committee to consider (in cases where six competition cards have not been submitted in the 12 month period and therefore entry has been refused) they should write to the committee setting out their application for special consideration two weeks before the competition date."


This year there will be a number of additional competitions which will be run on the IG system and members will be included automatically as a result of playing in any regular completion.

The Order of Merit will continue in 2019.

There will be 3 x "˜Best of Series' competitions, one each for Medals, Stablefords, and Board Competitions.

There will be 4 x "˜Eclectic' competitions, one each for each course weekend and midweek.

There is also a "˜Birdie Tree' where points are awarded for gross pars, birdies, eagles and better.

Members will be able to keep track of their progress on the club website.

Hopefully these additional competitions will add to members' enjoyment of their golf in 2019.  Good luck.